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Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Course Handouts

    3. Some key links (to content and videos!)

    4. DBT Part 1 Thursday 1/30/25

    5. DBT Part 1 Friday 1/31/25

    6. Course Evaluation

About this course

  • $360.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


In Person & Virtual Options Available


This is a live, interactive, training that will also be presented through Zoom as an online Webinar. The link to the program will be available on the course webpage after registration. Zoom recommends having a broadband wired/wireless connection, speakers, and a microphone to effectively participate via this platform. (requirements listed on zoom’s website here:

Program Summary:

This training reviews concepts and techniques central to the DBT® treatment modality. You will learn applications for behavioral principles to motivate change with the client. We teach the basic strategies used during individual therapy. Clinicians will learn the treatment hierarchy, secondary dialectics, and DBT treatment strategies to use with clients.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify foundational concepts and therapeutic techniques central to the DBT® treatment modality.  
  • Identify behaviorism and methods for implementation within therapy  
  • During this training we define: 
    • The DBT stages of treatment, 
    • How to identify where your client is and what methods to use for meeting and treating them where they are. 
    • Practical applications for behavioral principles in an effort to motivate change with the client. 
    • Different behavioral approaches and terms so that they might understand and teach their clients about how their problems may be behaviorally reinforced. 
    • Basic strategies used during individual therapy within the framework of the DBT® treatment modality. 
    • The treatment hierarchy and secondary dialectics to target.
    • Specific DBT treatment strategies to work toward acceptance, change, and helping the client find the middle path dialectically.   

Audience & Skill Level

This is a beginner-level course. It provides an introduction to DBT content and treatment methods) intended for licensed mental health professionals working with clients enrolled in a DBT skills group. It can also meet the needs for those who are interested in supporting clients with symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder or other high-acuity behaviors (such as self-harm or suicidal ideation).

Course Outline & Agenda

Day One Schedule: 

10:00-10:30 Introduction to Dialectical Behavioral Therapy® and Borderline Personality Disorder 

  • A look at this history of DBT®, reasons for its creation and how it has evolved 

  • Use DSM-V-TR criteria to understand diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder 

  • Align the overarching goals of DBT® treatment with the symptoms of BPD 

10:30-11:00 Dialectics 

  • Look at dialectics and how we can aid clients in growth more efficiently with this model 

  • An introduction to primary and secondary dialectics 

  • Why to be transparent with clients about dialectics and dialectical dilemmas 

11:00-11:15 Biosocial Theory 

  • Utilization of this theory as a blame-free understanding of the causes of emotional dysregulation 

  • Discussion of case examples related to biosocial theory 

  • Exploring how to begin to teach this to clients and their families 

11:15-11:30 Break 

11:30-12:00 Assumptions 

  • Comprehension of the assumptions 

  • Case examples to explain how to shape your practice by these assumptions 

  • Why the assumptions will help clinicians treating this populations 

12:00-12:30 Validation 

  • Understanding, utilizing and teaching clients to validate, at all levels 

  • Using metaphors to validate 

12:30-1:15 Stages of treatment 

  • An introduction to the stages of treatment 

  • Meet your client where they are 

  • Learning not to push too fast and how to recognize when you have 

1:15-2:00 Lunch 

2:00-2:30 Behaviorism concepts 

  • Understanding the differences between classical conditioning and operant reinforcement 

  • Acknowledging the differences between behavioral and psychodynamic therapies 

2:30-3:15 Behavioral terms 

  • Understanding reinforcers 

  • Utilization of case examples, videos and role play to solidify comprehension of behavioral reinforcement 

3:15-3:45 Behaviorism and DBT ® 

  • A look at learned helplessness and habitual passive problem solving 

  • Exploring how to teach clients to shape their environments 

  • Contingency management 

  • Ethical considerations for utilizing behavioral concepts 

3:45-4:00 Break 

4:00-5:15 Chain Analysis 

  • Understanding the treatment hierarchy 

  • Format your session by using chain analyses 

  • Logistics of a chain and solution analysis 

  • DBT® Adherence 

5:15 Q& A, Evaluations 


Day Two Schedule: 

10:00-10:30 Attachment 

  • A look at why DBT® differs on it’s view of attachment 

  • Healthy disclosure vs unhealthy disclosure 

10:30-11:00 Dialectics and the therapist’s strategies 

  • Balancing acceptance vs change with your client 

  • Knowing when to push for change and when to use acceptance strategies 

  • Using case examples to teach therapist strategies 

11:00-11:15 Treatment Planning 

  • Understanding the 5 types of dysregulation 

  • An in depth look at the stages of treatment 

11:15-11:30 Break 

11:30-12:00 Treatment Planning Continued 

Stages of treatment 

12:00-1:15 Hierarchy of Targets 

  • How to prioritize the clients’ behavior along the hierarchy 

  • Using the diary card 

1:15-2:00 Lunch 

2:00-2:30 Phone Coaching 

  • Phone coaching agreements 

  • Allowing for therapist limits 

  • Format of phone coaching 

2:30-3:15 Documentation 

  • A look at a DBT® Progress note 

  • How and why to document contingency management 

  • Adherent use of the treatment hierarchy, diary card and chain analyses 

3:15-3:45 Exposure 

  • Prolonged Exposure as a stage two change based treatment technique 

  • Rationale for “skills first” mentality 

3:45-4:00 Break 

4:00-5:00 Therapy Interfering Behaviors 

  • Identifying and treating TIBs 

  • What to do for willfulness 

  • Viewing TIBs through the lens of secondary dialectics 

5:00-5:15 Adherence, Q& A, Evaluations 

  • A look at common therapist pitfalls that decrease adherence ratings 

5:15 Q&A, Evaluations 

Course Credit

For course credit, participants must:

  • Attend and engage with the entire training.

  • Complete the post-training evaluation.

  • Certificates will be available through the course webpage on Thinkific once all requirements are met.

Your Instructor(s)

Charity Chaney


Charity Chaney is a professional counselor in the state of Ohio and the lead therapist of Mindfully’s DBT team. Charity also leads DBT skills classes where she helps groups apply DBT principles and learn new skills.

Charles J. Potter


Charles J. (CJ) Potter is one of the clinical directors at Mindfully and a practicing Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Supervisor (LPCC-S). Part of CJ’s responsibilities at Mindfully includes staying abreast of best practices (including legal and ethical considerations) that impact clinical practice. In this session, CJ shares those insights as they relate specifically to clinical supervision of mental health providers (Counselors, Social-Workers, and Marriage & Family Therapists).

Program Approvals:

Ohio CSWMFT Approval 

This training is approved for counselor, social work, and marriage and family therapy continuing education. In addition, it is approved by the Ohio Chemical Dependency Board for chemical dependency continuing education. Check CE Broker for detailed breakdown of CE types (provider number 50-24074). 

AWSB Approval

Mindfully, (ACEP provider #1862), is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. Mindfully maintains responsibility for this course. ACE provider approval period: 6/27/2023 – 6/27/2024. Social workers completing this course receive 12 continuing education credits.  

NBCC Approval

Mindfully has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7322. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Mindfully is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.    



For questions, comments or concerns:

Please contact [email protected] or call 513-939-0300.

Grievance Policy: If you are dissatisfied with your experience, we welcome your input via email at [email protected] or call 513-939-0300. All concerns will receive a response within 7 business days, outlining actions taken and proposed responses. These may include issuing a refund, credits for future training, updating course content, or taking appropriate action with the presenters, among others.

Request for Accommodations: Should any accommodations enhance your program experience, please contact us via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 513-939-0300, to explore possible options.


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